Minutes – 2018 09

A.G. Tricentennial    DAV Chapter # 84

September7,2018 Meeting

Commander Terry Vorderer called the meeting to order at 19:30 Hrs. The Adjutant called the roll: All officers were present and accounted for. OPENING CEREMONY The opening ceremony was conducted with participation of Chapter Members READING OF THE MINUTES: The meeting of the August 2018   minutes were read and a motion was made and seconded to approve. Following discussion, the motion was unanimously approved. OFFICER REPORTS:   TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer John Fanning reported on the financial status of the organization. Financial Report-August 31, 2018 Opening Balance       $28,029.78 August 2018 Income $  1,515.00 August 2018 Expenses $   3,015.19 Ending Balance $26,529.59 A motion was made and seconded to approve. Following discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.       CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence received by the Chapter was described to the membership. .The Chapter received correspondence from the National Commander on Chapter #84 has met the National  Membership Goals and was awarded a Ribbon for our chapter flag. REPORT OF SICKNESS AND DISTRESS: Two Members have Passed on. John Kaplan passed away on 3-8-18 and Dave VanGuren passed away on 9-3-2018. A  motion was made and second to award the two widows a stipend of $300.00 following discussion the measure was unanimously approved. FORGET-ME-NOT REPORT: The Commander updated those present that when we are collecting  Forget-Me-Nots we will have capability to secure credit card information securely at every location.. John Stevo mentioned their will be three more Forget-Me-Not Collections in September 2018. The Week of September  14 thru 16, 2018, the week of September 21-23,2018 and finally the week of September 28 thru 30,2018. A member reminded all present that we collect our hours spent on the Forget-Me-Not Project for the DVA Volunteer Hours Report as it very important to sell our Message to Congress and The Senate and other governmental bodies. Commander Vorderer applauded the effort and success of volunteers for the Forget-Me-Not drive and encouraged members to volunteer. OLD BUSINESS: None     NEW BUSINESS: An Eagle Scout Candidate Tim Regan was invited to speak about his project to collect Supplies for the Troop Care Packages on September 29 & 30, 2018 at St. Linus Catholic Parish Volunteers were called upon to assist John Stevo in the Forget-Me-Not drive. Bob Wilcock’s was missing from tonight’s meeting as he was invited to New Orleans by Gary Seness for a Veteran’s Ceremony. Dina Morris-Our Adjunct   said there will be Women’s Stand Down at Jesse Brown Medical Center. GOOD OF THE ORDER: NSO Ben Fugate spoke about procedures members should take during meetings to efficiently process claims A retired Colonel who is a member spoke about the 100%   Disabled Military ID Card and the benefits which are available with the card. James Wright-Past Senior Vice-Commander asked the Officer to remember what we have done in the past for our Brother Veterans at Hines Hospital and no let this project be forgotten Commander Vorderer asked all new members to stand an identify their Branch of Service and their active duty time. The 50/50 Split Drawing was held with a prize of $ 112.00 the winner stated he was donating the prize money to chapter. TAPS Was Played Pledge of Allegiance was said Chaplain said the final Prayer   ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Following discussion, the motion was unanimously approved. Commander Vorderer called for closing ceremony and prayer, led by the Chapter Chaplain. Meeting Location: 9514 S 52nd Ave. Oak Lawn, IL 60453   Submitted William R. Winters Acting Adjunctant